The following incidents were reported between Oct. 23 to Nov. 5


The following incidents were reported between Oct. 23 to Nov. 5


Grand theft

An electric dirt bike worth $4,599 was stolen from a property on Paradise Cove Road. The victim said there was no license plate or VIN number on the bike. The victim provided security footage of the incident.



A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into and an iPhone and wallet were stolen. The victim hid the key in the front side wheel, went surfing and upon return, the key was missing and his vehicle was ransacked. There were no security cameras available for evidence. The victim said they recived an alert of an attempt to transfer $3,000 to a cash app, the attempt was unsuccessful. 



A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim hid the key in the gas tank, went swimming and upon return, the key was missing and their iPhone, wallet and $100 in cash was stolen. The victim said their phone was located in Inglewood. The victim received a notification of a $2,700 fraudulent charge made to their credit card at Best Buy and a $960 charge made at an Apple Store. There was no physical sign of entry or damage made to the vehicle.



A vehicle parked near Guernsey Ave was broken into and a wallet and iPhone were stolen. The victim locked his vehicle, placed the key in the front passenger wheel, went surfing and upon return, he was unable to locate the key. The victim received a notification of an unauthorized charge of $510 made to his credit card. There were no security cameras available for evidence. The iPhone was worth $1,200.


Converter theft

A vehicle parked near Tuna Canyon Road was broken into and a catalytic converter was stolen. There were no security cameras available for evidence. The catalytic converter was worth $1,500. 


Retail burglary 

Sea N Soul Surf in Point Dume was burglarized and $4,916 worth of surfboards, clothing and miscellaneous items were were stolen. The victim provided security footage of the suspects breaking in and taking the items. The shattered window was estimated to cost $600 to repair.